Dune – Der Wüstenplanet

lingua German

Pubblicato il 09 Agosto 2021

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4 stelle (8 recensioni)

41 edizioni

Ein episches Intrigenspiel

3 stelle

Frank Herberts Dune – Der Wüstenplanet ist ein Klassiker der Science-Fiction-Literatur, der über Jahrzehnte hinweg Leser in seinen Bann gezogen hat. Mit seiner epischen Geschichte über Macht, Verrat und Schicksal entführt das Buch in eine Welt, die ebenso faszinierend wie herausfordernd ist. Es ist ein Werk, das weit über die üblichen Genre-Grenzen hinausgeht, indem es politische Intrigen, philosophische Konzepte und ökologische Themen miteinander verknüpft.

Handlung – Der Stoff für große Intrigen

Die Geschichte spielt auf Arrakis, einem kargen Wüstenplaneten, der das wertvollste Gut des Universums beherbergt: das Spice. Diese Substanz ermöglicht interstellares Reisen, verlängert das Leben und erweitert das Bewusstsein – ein Rohstoff von unschätzbarem Wert, um den Adelshäuser und verschiedene Fraktionen ringen.

Im Mittelpunkt steht Paul Atreides, der Erbe des Hauses Atreides, das von Kaiser Shaddam IV. damit beauftragt wird, Arrakis zu verwalten. Doch dieser Auftrag entpuppt sich als tödliche Falle, denn die verfeindete Familie Harkonnen plant, die Atreides …

ha recensito Dune di Frank Herbert

Very enjoyable, with some personal issues

4 stelle

I wish I could give half-stars, because I probably would have given Dune a personal rating of 3.5/5.

I liked the story. I was able to fully immerse myself in the lore and the immaculate worldbuilding. And that was really something I have rarely seen anywhere else. I was contemplating whether to give this 3 or 4, but had to round up for the creativity in this area alone. I truly loved it.

My issue is mainly with the level of detail and the language. Some scenes are so excellently written that I felt like I was part of them, observing everything around me, noticing all the small things happening myself. Others, especially those concerned with Paul's inner conflicts, were almost excruciatingly abstract. And even though the language was beautiful throughout, I often found myself losing track in those sections (and, occasionally, genuinely having trouble understanding things linguistically, even with …

ha recensito Dune di Frank Herbert

Worldbuilding is top, story is meh.

4 stelle

The first roughly two chapters were quite difficult to get into. Many terms I didn't understand, and I naturally didn't have a grasp of the political landscape, which would've been quite important to understand at the start. However, this feeling soon went away, as the situation became clearer.

I didn't like the story arc at all. The buildup was huge and monumental, but the resolution was frustratingly lame. Maybe this is only because this book is the first of a series, but still not satisfying.

What I really liked, was the world building. Instead of focusing on a technology-dominated future, Herbert forbid all AI-related machinery in his novel and instead focused on enhanced capabilities of humans. A concept that I'd say really worked out. The ecosystem of Arrakis is quite interesting too, as is the way of living of its inhabitants. And glimpses the reader gets into the politics, economy, …

expansive universe, exhausting writing style

4 stelle

it took me ages to get through this. not because it's bad, probably mostly because i repaired my computer and had.. other things on my mind. but also partly because herbert's style reminds me of tolkien. like, a lot. at least in the sense that herbert really wants you to read his mediocre poetry too.

this isn't bad by any means, and i will surely read on in the future. probably around the time the second movie hits. the characters are fleshed-out and there's surprisingly little overt misogyny for a science fiction book that is, at this point, positively ancient. it's just the constant internal monologuing and then rushing through the actual happenings that gets exhausting after a while.