From Marx to Gramsci

Brossura, 404 pagine

lingua English

Pubblicato il 24 Maggio 2016 da Haymarket Books.

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From Marx to Gramsci offers a readable introduction to the historical contexts, lives, and revolutionary ideas of six central thinkers in the Marxist tradition—Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, Rosa Luxemburg, V. I. Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and Antonio Gramsci. A clear and well-documented introduction demonstrates how their varied contributions represent a revolutionary Marxist synthesis, providing an understanding of capitalist development, a theory of the labor movement, a strategy for revolution, and a conception of the transition to socialism. The bulk of the volume provides a representative sampling of Marxist writings offering insights into the dynamics of history, politics, society, and economics, with an emphasis on struggles for social change. From Marx to Gramsci concludes with a searching discussion, drawing from various critics of Marxism and realities of the late twentieth century, of whether revolutionary Marxism actually has a future.

2 edizioni