Needful Things

mass market paperback, 790 pagine

lingua English

Pubblicato il 23 Settembre 1992 da New English Library / Hodder and Stoughton.

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4 stelle (1 recensione)

There was a new shop in town. Run by a stranger. Needful Things, the sign said. The oddest name. A name that caused some gossip and speculation among the good folks of Castle Rock, Maine, while they waited for opening day.

Eleven-year-old Brian Rusk was the first customer and he got just what he wanted, a very rare 1956 Sandy Koufax baseball card. Signed.

Cyndi Rose Martin was next. A lalique vase. A perfect match for her living room decor.

Something for everyone. "Something you really had to have. And always at a price you could just about afford. The cash price that is.

Because there was another price. There always is when your heart's most secret, true desire is for sale. --back cover

39 edizioni


  • Fiction
  • American Horror tales
  • Castle Rock (Me. : Imaginary place)
  • Castle Rock (Maine : Imaginary place)