How Music Works

374, pagine

lingua English

Pubblicato il 16 Novembre 2013 da McSweeney's.

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4 stelle (1 recensione)

Revised and updated edition.

3 edizioni

Mixed bag, but some gems in here

4 stelle

This book incorporates some chapters that were originally published elsewhere, and it is really a collection of essays around the common theme of music. There's a mix of personal theories of music and composition, discussions of the primacy of context in music, advice on more practical topics such as the music business or "How to create a Scene", and some biographical accounts of creative process. I enjoyed the biographical elements the most, although I felt some had probably been simplified and sanitised a little for the book - I know enough history of Talking Heads to guess that some of these sessions probably came together a bit less smoothly when everyone was "in the room"!

Some chapters have aged noticeably, but this provides something of a historical snapshot. For example, the chapter on the music business mentions multiple "new" distribution companies. A decade later only iTunes, Amazon, and Bandcamp are …