Peace Is Every Breath

A Practice For Our Busy Lives

Brossura, 145 pagine

Pubblicato il 07 Settembre 2011 da Rider, Ebury Publishing.

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2 edizioni

Practices for Every Day

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A beautiful and thoughtful guide by Thich Nhat Hanh to help mindfully move through each day. The book includes practices and thoughts for exercises as seemingly mundane as brushing teeth or preparing coffee. Each is given weight.

Later in the book, Hanh addresses heavier topics like food (of body and mind) and cycles of anger, and suggests practices of love that can help mitigate bad habits or hurtful situations. It is a beautiful, meditative book, worth having a copy to refer to as well as worth reading as a learning tool.


  • Meditation
  • Peace
  • Religious life
  • Buddhism
  • Religious aspects
  • RELIGION / Spirituality