The Sirens of Titan

Copertina rigida, 326 pagine

lingua English

Pubblicato da Octopus/Heinemann.

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5 stelle (1 recensione)

The Sirens of Titan is an outrageous romp through space, time, and morality. The richest, most depraved man on Earth, Malachi Constant, is offered a chance to take a space journey to distant worlds with a beautiful woman at his side. Of course there’ s a catch to the invitation–and a prophetic vision about the purpose of human life that only Vonnegut has the courage to tell.

1 edizione

ha recensito The Sirens of Titan di Kurt Vonnegut

A wonderful read

5 stelle

It started off as a fun and weird scifi book, to a fun and cynical take on the human condition, to a beautiful take on the meaning of life. One of Constants last lines on Titan made tears come to my eyes.

Edit: The more and more I think on it the more I like this book. I will definitely be reading it again at some point.