
Dettagli autore

Jean-Baptiste de Molière, Жан Батист Поклен Молиер, Jacques R. de la Molière, e 163 altri Mollierŭ, Jean Baptiste Pocquelin de Molière, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin de Molière, Mūlyīr, मॅलिएर, Jan-Chrzciciel Pokelin, モリエエル, J.-B. P. de Molière, मोलियर, Jean B. Pocquelin, J. B. Poquelin de Molière, Molijer, Zshan Poḳlen Molyer, Мольєр, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Molière, Jean-Baptiste Molière, Mol'er, I.B.P. Moliere, Moliéros, J.-B. P, de (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin) Molière, Жан Батист Поклен Мольер, Jean Molière, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin-Molière, Zh.-B Molʹer, Zš. B. Moʾlyeʿr, Jean B. Poquelin, Žan-Batist Molʹer, Ž. B. Moljers, I.B.P. de Moliere, Ž. Mol'er, Jean B. Poquelin Molière, מאליער, Johann Baptista Pockelin von Moliere, Jean B. Poquelin de Molière, Moljer, Jean Baptiste de Molière, Jan Molier, Žan Batist Poklen de Molʹer, Jean Bapt. Poquelin de Molière, Jean-Baptiste de Poquelin-Molière, J. Molier, J. B. Molière di, മോള്യേർ, Jean B. Molière Poquelin, Poquelin, มอลีแยร์, Zshan Poklen Molyer, Jean Baptiste Poquelin dit Molière, Ž. B. Moljērs, Zhan-Batist Molʹer, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, Žan-Batist Poklėn-Molʹer, Jan Poquelin Molière, Molière, Moliyara, Jean Baptiste Poquelen de Molière, ב׳אן בטיסט מולייר, De Moliere, Moliai, Молијер, J.-B. P. de Moliere, Jacques Rochette de la Molière, Mūlīyīr, Jean Baptiste,$d1622 Poquelin, Jean B. Molière de la, Jean Baptiste Poqueline de Molière, Molyér, 莫里哀, மொலியர், J.-B. Poquelin de Molière, 莫里艾児, Zhan-Batist Mol'er, Մոլիեր, Johann Baptiste von Molière, I. B. P. de Moliere, ملير، جان بپتيسط, Molieres, Jean B. de Molière, मौलियर​, Jean Baptiste Polequin Molière, Jean B. Pocquelin de Molière, ז'ן בטיסט פוקלן, Mollieru, মলিয়ের, Мольэр, مولیر, Jean Baptist Poqulin de Molière, ژان باپتىست پوكلىن, Жан Батист Поклен де Мольер, Moljērs, Jean Baptiste Poquelin Molière, Молиер, Molyer, Μολιέρος, ז'אן באטיסט פוקלן, Ж. Б. Мольер, Jean B. de Poquelin-Molière, Žan-Batist Mol'er, 몰리에르, J.B.P. Molière, मोलिये, Molʹer, Jean Babtiste Molière, J.B.P. de Moliere, Giacomo Battista Poquelin di Moliere, Moriēru, J. B. Molière, G. B. di Molière, Мальер, Ж.-Б Мольер, Žans Batists Moljērs, مۆلیێر, Mauliyara, Moliyer, J. B. P. de Molière, Jean-Baptiste P. de Molière, Moliere, ז'ן בטיסט פוקלן מוליר, Поклен, Poqueline de Molière, Mūlijīr, Жан Батист Мольер, Jean Baptiste Moliè, モリエール, Molierus, פ מולייר, ملير،, Molieros, ਮੋਲੀਏਰ, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin dit Molière, Molier, Mūliyir, Zh.-B. Molʹer, Žan Baptist Poklin, Jean B. de Poquelin, Мольеръ, موليير، جان بپتيسط, მოლიერი, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de Molière, מוליר, မောလျဲ, Jean-Baptiste Pocquelin Molière, Jean-Baptiste de Poquelin, मोलियर​, Muoljers, مولير، جان بپتيسط, موليير, Johann Baptista von Moliere, Мольер, Jean Baptiste Poquelin, མོའོ་ལིས་ཨེར།, Žan B. Poklen, מולייר, Mo-li-ai, Johann B. von Moliere, Molliere, Мольер Жан-Батист, J.B. Poquelin, מולירה, Jean Baptiste Pocquelin, Joannes Baptista Poquelinus Mollerius, Jean Baptiste Molière, モリエル
14 Gennaio 1622
16 Febbraio 1673

Collegamenti esterni

Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin) was born in Paris on January 15, 1622. His father was one of eight valets de chambre tapissiers who tended the king's furniture and upholstery, so the young Poquelin received every advantage a boy could wish for. He was educated at the finest schools (the College de Clermont in Paris.) He had access to the king's court. But even as a child, Molière found it infinitely more pleasant to poke fun at the aristocracy than to associate with them. As a young boy, he learned that he could cause quite a stir by mimicking his mother's priest. His mother, a deeply religious woman, might have broken the young satirist of this habit had she not died before he was yet twelve-years-old. His father soon remarried, but in less than three years, this wife also passed away. At the age of fifteen, Jean-Baptiste was left alone with his father and was most likely apprenticed to his trade.

The boy never showed much of an interest for the business of upholstering. Fortunately, his father's shop was located near two important theatrical sites: the Pont-Neuf and the Hôtel de Bourgogne. At the Pont-Neuf, comedians performed plays and farces in the …

Libri di Molière

Molière: Tartufo (Spanish language, 1916, Biblioteca Teatro Mundial) Nessuna valutazione

