Ulf Hundeiker ha recensito DinoPark di Michael Crichton
Wesentlich unterhaltsamer als der Film, aber....
3 stelle
Positiv: Kritik an Allmachtsglauben Negativ: Enthält Spuren von Rassismus und Sexismus. Nicht viel, aber zu viel.
Copertina rigida, 401 pagine
lingua English
Pubblicato il 1990 da Alfred A. Knopf.
The dinosaur is back on earth—alive, now. in Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park.
The story, told with an almost documentary verisimilitude, is an account of the attempt, through a hair-raising twenty-four hours on a remote jungle island, to avert a global emergency—a crisis triggered by today's headlong rush (virtually unchecked by any government or scientific watchdogs) to commercialize genetic engineering.
In Jurassic Park, Crichton makes brilliant and mesmerizing use of the unique amalgam of suspense and informed science (this time paleontology, biotechnology, and chaos theory) that he originated in The Andromeda Strain. Of all his superb scientific thrillers— all of them best-sellers—Jurassic Park is in every way the strongest. It is certain to be his most widely read, talked about, and unreservedly enjoyed novel to date.
Positiv: Kritik an Allmachtsglauben Negativ: Enthält Spuren von Rassismus und Sexismus. Nicht viel, aber zu viel.