Post-scarcity anarchism

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Murray Bookchin: Post-scarcity anarchism (1971, Ramparts Press, 1971.)

288, pagine

lingua English

Pubblicato il 08 Novembre 1971 da Ramparts Press, 1971..

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3 stelle (1 recensione)

Post-Scarcity Anarchism is a collection of essays by Murray Bookchin, first published in 1971 by Ramparts Press. In it, Bookchin outlines the possible form anarchism might take under conditions of post-scarcity. One of Bookchin's major works, its author's radical thesis provoked controversy for being utopian in its faith in the liberatory potential of technology.

10 edizioni

ha recensito Post-Scarcity Anarchism di Murray Bookchin

A very faint sketch

3 stelle

This book is mostly concerned with the idea that technology CAN produce a post-scarcity society, but if you're expecting a clear picture of what that looks like or what it entails, you're going to be disappointed. I read the third edition which included "Listen, Marxist!" which includes a very valuable anarchist reading of the October Revolution and how power was consolidated.

When Bookchin is rattling off all of the things his enlightened anarchist society can cast off, a lot of it is feminine. It doesn't invalidate the book but it does highlight some of his limitations as a social thinker.

I grabbed this off The Anarchist Library and fixed all of the OCR errors that were made in its production as I read through so if you're looking for a nice digital edition, I can recommend it.


  • Anarchism and anarchists
  • Radicalism