Consequences of Capitalism

Manufacturing Discontent and Resistance

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Noam Chomsky, Marv Waterstone: Consequences of Capitalism (Hardcover, 2021, Haymarket Books)

Copertina rigida, 400 pagine

lingua English

Pubblicato il 05 Novembre 2021 da Haymarket Books.

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5 stelle (1 recensione)

2 edizioni

A variety of topics with lot's of historical evidence

5 stelle

The book has a large variety of topics concerning the Consequences Of Capitalism. This includes hegemonic common sense, militarism, the environment, neoliberalism (& globalization, financialization) and possible social change. All of which is given with relevant historical evidence, examples and context. The book also takes multiple ideas and concepts from other authors and implements them pretty well. This would include Karl Marx, Shoshana Zuboff and Mark Fisher (just to name a few). Aside from reading how much Capitalism effects our lives and in what way, I'm absolutely blown away by how much history this book has taught me and the amount of detail it went into!

So, if you're interested in learning the Consequences of Capitalism and a ton of history, then I would highly recommend it.