Turtles all the way down

audio book

lingua English

Pubblicato il 09 Febbraio 2018

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3 stelle (1 recensione)

Aza Holmes is a young woman navigating daily existence within the ever-tightening spiral of her own thoughts.

21 edizioni

Effective, if not a Lot of Fun to Read

3 stelle

I thought this book was very effective as an anxiety simulator and did a great job illustrating the thought patterns of a person with anxiety and OCD. It had the hook of a traditional mystery, which was quickly de-emphasized in favor of a character study/coming of age. The reason I rated it three stars instead of four is that it just wasn't very fun or enjoyable to be in the protagonist Aza's head. I know that's not necessarily the book's job, but it's a reason I found it worthwhile but not something I'd like to revisit. It made me think of the movie Uncut Gems, which is a great anxiety simulator, but two hours is a different prospect than seven.

The amount that the characters used texting and the internet felt also true-to-life, but not very fun to read.

There was a lot of dorm-room philosophizing as self-conscious quirk, but …


  • YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Coming of Age
  • Young adult fiction
  • Mental illness
  • YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Social Themes / Mental Illness
  • Fiction
  • YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Social Themes / Friendship
  • Missing persons
  • Friendship