Pregària per als tímids com els arbres

144, pagine

lingua Català

Pubblicato da Mai Més.

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5 stelle (9 recensioni)

Després de recórrer les zones rurals de Panga, Dex, uni mongi del te de cert renom, i Moixeró, un robot enviat a una recerca per determinar què realment necessita la humanitat, dirigeixen la seva atenció als pobles i ciutats de la petita lluna que anomenen casa. Esperen trobar les respostes que busquen, a la vegada que fan nous amics, aprenen nous conceptes i experimenten la naturalesa entròpica de l’univers. La nova sèrie de Becky Chambers continua preguntant-se: en un món on la gent té el que vol, importa tenir-ne més?

5 edizioni

ha recensito A Prayer for the Crown-Shy di Becky Chambers

The road trip continues

4 stelle

I started this right after I finished the first one. It deals with Mosscap's tour of Panga to learn what humans need. It gets a lot of different answers. We get to experience the different areas of the world and the different ways people choose to live there in a sustainable fashion. No spoilers but Mosscap is presented with an ineresting philosophical question and it turns out Dex still hasn't really found what they're looking for. The ending is quite open and I'm looking forward to find out where the two are heading next.

Beautiful book. I am amazed at Becky Chamber's magic abilities.

5 stelle

Avviso sul contenuto General spoilers

Quick, gentle, sensorially rich read

4 stelle

Avviso sul contenuto Oblique reference to ending

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5 stelle